Race Study: Margaret River Ultra Marathon - Endurance Edge

Race Study: Margaret River Ultra Marathon

Race Study: Margaret River Ultra Marathon

With the 2018 Margaret River Ultramarathon only a few weeks away, we've put together a Nutrition and Splits planner to help with your race-day logistics.  A race planner helps you to wrap your head around the challenge head and helps to take some the nerves out of your decision making.  It's also a great asset for your crew!

We've entered all of the MRUM course information and mapped a few different running speeds but you can, of course, adjust all the variables and use it for other events too. Check it out below and let us know your thoughts!

Disclaimer: while we've tried our best to ensure the data and formulae are correct, we take no responsibility for incorrect information. You should also not interpret the nutrition and hydration plan as advice; fueling and hydrating is YOUR responsibility and you should take it seriously.


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