
Peaks & Trails - August - Endurance Edge

Peaks & Trails - August

Comprised of five (5) courses that start and finish in Dunkeld, at the southern end of the Gariwerd (Grampians) range. Accessible for both South Australians and Victorians alike, Peaks &Trails...

Peaks & Trails - August

Comprised of five (5) courses that start and finish in Dunkeld, at the southern end of the Gariwerd (Grampians) range. Accessible for both South Australians and Victorians alike, Peaks &Trails...

Berry Long Run - August - Endurance Edge

Berry Long Run - August

Victoria is home to a number of stand-alone, grassroots trail events, and this weekend sees the running of two absolute crackers. First up, The Berry Long Run (BLR), organised by...

Berry Long Run - August

Victoria is home to a number of stand-alone, grassroots trail events, and this weekend sees the running of two absolute crackers. First up, The Berry Long Run (BLR), organised by...

Run like a T8 Legend!